Questionnaire: Elife Magazine

Editor’s Note: This is an annotated version of the candidate issue posted on Elife magazine. Trustee statements begin on pp70. Tell us briefly about yourself and where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for: * I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa of Dutch […]

Questionnaire: Metro Housing Coalition

Please tell us about yourself and why you are interested in running (or running for another term) for elected office in the Town of Erie? I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa of Dutch parents, grew up near Edmonton, Alberta, and have been a Colorado resident for over 30 years. After an undergraduate degree in […]

Home Rule Resources

Here are some resources about the transition to home rule. Model Charters Consultants have recommended we look at the following home rule charters as a model for when we undertake the process: The City of Loveland home rule charter was suggested by Tami Tanoue of CIRSA as a model for Erie. The Town of Eagle […]

Topics: Mask Mandate

At the February 8, 2022 Board of Trustees regular meeting, the Board voted unanimously to repeal the municipal mask mandate that had previously extended the Boulder County Health mask order to the Weld County side of Erie. Here are the comments I made as we considered the resolution: Disappointment with the Lack of Weld County […]

Policy: Build Back Better Act

On the morning of Friday, February 4th, 2022, I had the privilege of participating in a virtual press conference featuring Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, Louisville Mayor Ashley Stolzmann, former Colorado House Majority Leader & CU Law adjunct faculty Alice Madden, and Mom’s Clean Air Force field organizer Laurie Anderson to urge Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper to pass the Build Back Better Act.

Policy: HB22-1020

On the afternoon of February 3rd, I had the opportunity to once again testify against a bill brought forth by Representative Dan Woog attempting to restrict municipal powers to control building codes under their 1041-granted authority. Here is the testimony I gave, as the Town’s representative to Colorado Communities for Climate Action (CC4CA): Thank you […]