Colorado HD27 Representative Brianna Titone
Christiaan understands the importance of representing Erie at the State, whether testifying at COGCC rule making hearings or in support of legislative bills that address the pending climate crisis.
Broomfield Mayor Guyleen Castriotta
In the constantly-changing landscape of oil & gas regulations, Christiaan has been a champion for residents to enact legislation that is the most protective of residents’ health and safety. He continues to push at the state level to accelerate our transition to a just and equitable renewables future. He is a valuable asset to the Town of Erie and its neighboring communities.
Broomfield Councilmember Heidi Henkel
Christiaan has worked tirelessly with other elected officials in the region to create the most protective oil & gas regulations possible given the limitations of SB19-181. His background as a data scientist and his passion for protecting residents’ health and safety are a valued asset for Erie and the surrounding municipalities.
Broomfield Councilmember Laurie Anderson
Christiaan has represented Erie well in state legislative hearings on oil & gas regulations, regional air quality issues, and the climate crisis. I endorse his re-election campaign as Trustee for Erie.
Commerce City Councilmember Susan Noble
I admire Christiaan’s passion on a wide range of issues, from health and safety to addressing the housing crisis. Erie will be well-served to have him for a second term as Trustee.
Lafayette Mayor JD Mangat
Christiaan has demonstrated his willingness to work with neighboring municipalities to establish collaborative, productive relationships. I look forward to working with him and the rest of the Board in his second term.
Former Lafayette Mayor Jamie Harkins
Christiaan has been an enthusiastic supporter of sustainability efforts in Erie. I admire his willingness to collaborate with neighboring municipalities on regional issues, and look forward to the results he’ll achieve in his second term as Trustee.
Berthoud Mayor Will Karspeck
I wholly support Christiaan for Erie Trustee. Christiaan has taken the time to educate myself and the entire Berthoud Board of Trustees on fracking and has presented many facts and studies that I later studied and found to be true. I can tell from our first meeting and onwards his passion for Erie and its future not only on oil & gas but also on commercial growth and other issues. He has many goals for the Town and the region. A vote for Christiaan is a vote for practical evidence-based community improvements.
Colorado HD19 Candidate Jennifer Parenti
I wholeheartedly endorse Christiaan for his second term as Erie Trustee. He is a devoted father and dedicated trustee who has proven his commitment to the health, safety and prosperity of this town. We need more community leaders like him.
Former Commerce City Councilmember Steve Douglas
I have had the honor to work with Christiaan as a fellow municipal elected official as well as an activist, and I know that he is a man of integrity and intelligence. Erie is on the path to become a major player on the front range and is no longer a bedroom community. Erie needs Christiaan and his years of experience to take Erie into the future – the future the citizens of Erie should not only expect, but deserve.
Erie Trustee Ari Harrison
Christiaan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from his tenure as a Trustee for Erie. I look forward to collaborating with him in his second term to address the issues of growth, home rule, and the housing crisis.
Erie Trustee Sara Loflin
It has been a pleasure to serve over the last two years with Trustee van Woudenberg. Christiaan is committed to keeping oil and gas out of our neighborhoods and finding ways to make our town more sustainable.
Erie Trustee and Mayoral Candidate Justin Brooks
Christiaan’s experience both as a Trustee and community advocate has paid great dividends towards the enrichment of our community. His passion for people and culture, along with deep understanding of the details necessary for successful execution make him an excellent representative for the Town.
Former Erie Mayor Pro Tem Geoff Deakin
Christiaan has long advocated for Erie residents against the onslaught of residential fracking; his meticulous, analytical approach to evaluating issues before the Board will be an asset to the Town in his second term as Trustee.